Diet & Nutrition

Quick & Easy Hacks for Effective Weight Loss

Ayurveda holds the secret to effective and sustained weight loss, and it has nothing to do with fad diets. Start with these basics and see the results for yourselves:

  • Let go of your attachment to cold drinks and cold food. Ditch them as they significantly slow down your digestion. You want to have a strong digestive fire, so don't douse that fire with a cold smoothie or cold green juice. Let it sit at room temperature for a while before drinking it.
  • Start your morning with a warm or hot cup of water or, better yet, add the juice of a 1/4 lemon or lime and 1/2-1 teaspoon of raw, unpasteurized local honey. This daily morning routine kickstarts your digestion, loosens your bowels, and helps soften the ama (or undigested toxins) in your body. Lemons and limes are also a rich source of vitamin C, so you get immune-boosting benefits from this drink.
  • Breakfast and dinner should be light as digestion is weak in the morning and evening. Instead, make lunch your main and heaviest meal of the day when digestion is strongest at mid-day.
  • Of course, it's important to eat for your unique body constitution. Are you a vata, pitta, or kapha predominant type? Knowing your natural body constitution will be the biggest game-changer in optimizing your weight loss and overall health. Take the prakriti quiz to find out.

Are you ready to commit to your health and sustained weight loss? Book an appointment now for a customized diet & lifestyle plan for optimal weight loss.


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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and is presented solely for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a medical professional before starting any new diet or health protocol.